vise si idei

27 mai 2012

5 stages of a break-up

1 Denial
First phase. You're still in shock, and unable to see that this is really the end. You still hope that he will call and everything will be just fine.
2 Anger
You're starting to realise that he is quite determined in not calling. Now it's the time when you start calling him names inside your head, remembering every stupid thing he'd done throughout your relationship. Now you desperately want to break something.
3 Bargaining
This is the most tricky one, and it's probably the one where you'll send that drunk text or call him, hoping that if you give a little bit from yourself, he will stop being so stubborn, accept that he still has feelings for you, apologies, and everything would go back to normal.
4 Depression
If you have come to this, it means that your text, call or whatever didn't work; he still didn't want to be with you anymore. You start the endless "what if"s and start to blame yourself for everything and wonder what could have been. You start to remember every beautiful moment together. No, you remember every moment together and make it beautiful. (awww that time when he stopped in the middle of the street to tie his shoelaces...-for example). This is te longest and most difficult phase, but if you get past this, you're good to go.
5 Acceptance
You have finally come to terms with your situation. Congratulations, you are now free to go out, meet somebody new, and eventually repeat from stage 1.

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